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News and Announcements

January 6 2007: Australian Open Lighning
Details of the Australian Open Lightning are here

December 28 2006: Tournament Begins
The 2006-07 Australian Open began at the Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club. A field of 58 players began the Open, while a further 21 players took part in the Minor (Under 1600) Tournament. Full results here

September 30 2006: New Sponsorship
The organisers are pleased to announce initial tournament sponsorship from Convenience Advertising, QQSR, and Canberra Southern Cross Club.

September 15 2006: Online Games
Games from the 2004/05 Lidums Australian Open Championship are now available to play through. Just follow this link or get there via the Bulletins page.
This system will also be used to display the games from the 2006/07 Australian Open Championship and subsidiary events.

September 1 2006: Web Site Online
The official web site for the 2006/07 Australian Open is now online. The web site will contain all the information you require to take part in this exciting Australian chess tournament. Keep you eye on the News page for updated information.