2019 Transfer Tournament - Round 9

Prize Winners

First Place - Lachlan and Dexuan 8/9
Second Place - Willis and Leonard 8/9
Third Place - Dillon and Athena 6/9
Best Family Team - Somon and Nomon 2.5/9
Best Under 2500 - Bazli and John 5.5/9
Best Under 1500 - Rex and Colin 1/9
Encouragement Award - Romeo and Louisa 0/9


Place Name                  Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Lachlan and Dexuan,             3520 8        29.0  37.0   42.0
      Willis and Leonard,             2177 8        29.0  37.0   41.0
 3-4  Alana and Miles,                4057 6        31.0  39.0   31.0
      Dillon and Athena,              3585 6        31.0  39.0   30.0
  5   Bazli and John,                 1914 5.5      31.5  39.5   18.5
  6   Charles and Minchen,            2884 5        32.0  40.0   28.0
  7   Jamie-Lee and Frank,            1929 3        34.0  42.0   16.0
  8   Somon and Nomon,                1948 2.5      34.5  42.5   16.5
  9   Rex and Colin,                  325  1        36.0  44.0    2.0
 10   Romeo and Louisa,               847  0        36.0  45.0    0.0

Cross Table

No Name                  Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  

1  Lachlan and Dexuan,              5:W 10:W  3:W  4:W  9:W  6:W  2:L  8:W  7:W
2  Willis and Leonard,              8:W  7:W  5:W 10:W  3:W  4:L  1:W  6:W  9:W
3  Alana and Miles,                 9:W  4:W  1:L  6:W  2:L  8:W  7:W  5:L 10:W
4  Dillon and Athena,              10:W  3:L  9:W  1:L  6:W  2:W  8:W  7:W  5:L
5  Bazli and John,                  1:L  6:L  2:L  8:W  7:D  9:W 10:W  3:W  4:W
6  Charles and Minchen,             7:W  5:W 10:W  3:L  4:L  1:L  9:W  2:L  8:W
7  Jamie-Lee and Frank,             6:L  2:L  8:D  9:W  5:D 10:W  3:L  4:L  1:L
8  Somon and Nomon,                 2:L  9:W  7:D  5:L 10:W  3:L  4:L  1:L  6:L
9  Rex and Colin,                   3:L  8:L  4:L  7:L  1:L  5:L  6:L 10:W  2:L
10 Romeo and Louisa,                4:L  1:L  6:L  2:L  8:L  7:L  5:L  9:L  3:L
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