2016 Transfer Tournament - Round 13


Place Name                        Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Josh and Ben,                         3472 13       74.5  88.0   91.0
 2-3  Lachlan Ho and Dexuan Kon,            2324 11       76.5  93.0   73.0
      Ramon and Ricky,                      2243 11       73.5  87.0   73.0
  4   Rohan and Alana,                      2483 10       78.0  91.5   68.0
  5   Saffron and Athena,                   2510 8.5      81.5  99.0   55.0
 6-7  Lara and Ruofan,                      1924 8        73.5  89.0   51.0
      Ryan and Will,                        839  8        70.0  83.5   56.0
  8   Oskar and Luke,                       953  7        77.0  90.5   52.0
  9   Liz and Julia,                        850  6.5      78.5  92.0   50.0
10-11 Charles and Kevin,                    948  6        69.0  82.5   44.0
      Tom and Riley,                        628  6        69.0  80.5   35.0
12-13 Zin and Hieu Nguyen,                  446  5        71.0  84.5   36.0
      Ted and Ian Stace-Winkles,            585  5        68.5  82.0   38.0
14-15 Amelia and Seb,                       160  4        65.5  79.0   26.0
      Rhys and Jeremy,                      820  4        64.0  75.5   33.0
 16   Jarvis and Faolan,                    882  3        66.0  79.5   26.0
 17   Bailey and Ellery,                    250  1        63.0  76.5   12.0

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13  

1  Josh and Ben,                          7:W  6:W  2:W  3:W  4:W  8:W  5:W  9:W 13:W 12:W 10:W 14:W 16:W
2  Lachlan Ho and Dexuan Kon,            12:W 15:W  1:L  7:W 11:W  4:W  3:L  6:W  5:W 13:W  8:W  9:W 10:W
3  Ramon and Ricky,                      17:W  5:W  6:W  1:L  8:W  7:L  2:W  4:W 11:W 14:W 16:W 10:W  9:W
4  Rohan and Alana,                       0:W  8:W  9:W  5:W  1:L  2:L  7:W  3:L 15:W 11:W  6:W 12:W 17:W
5  Saffron and Athena,                   13:W  3:L 11:W  4:L 10:W  6:W  1:L  8:W  2:L  9:D  0:W  7:W 12:W
6  Lara and Ruofan,                      14:W  1:L  3:L 12:W  9:W  5:L 10:W  2:L 16:W 15:W  4:L 13:W  8:W
7  Ryan and Will,                         1:L 14:W 17:W  2:L 15:W  3:W  4:L 11:W 12:W 16:W 13:L  5:L  0:W
8  Oskar and Luke,                       11:W  4:L 13:W  9:W  3:L  1:L 15:W  5:L 14:W 17:W  2:L  0:W  6:L
9  Liz and Julia,                        10:W 16:W  4:L  8:L  6:L 11:W 13:W  1:L  0:W  5:D 17:W  2:L  3:L
10 Charles and Kevin,                     9:L 13:L 15:W 14:W  5:L 12:W  6:L 16:W 17:W  0:W  1:L  3:L  2:L
11 Tom and Riley,                         8:L 12:W  5:L 17:W  2:L  9:L  0:W  7:L  3:L  4:L 14:W 16:W 15:W
12 Zin and Hieu Nguyen,                   2:L 11:L 16:W  6:L  0:W 10:L 14:W 17:W  7:L  1:L 15:W  4:L  5:L
13 Ted and Ian Stace-Winkles,             5:L 10:W  8:L 15:L 17:W 16:W  9:L  0:W  1:L  2:L  7:W  6:L 14:L
14 Amelia and Seb,                        6:L  7:L  0:W 10:L 16:L 17:W 12:L 15:W  8:L  3:L 11:L  1:L 13:W
15 Rhys and Jeremy,                      16:W  2:L 10:L 13:W  7:L  0:W  8:L 14:L  4:L  6:L 12:L 17:W 11:L
16 Jarvis and Faolan,                    15:L  9:L 12:L  0:W 14:W 13:L 17:W 10:L  6:L  7:L  3:L 11:L  1:L
17 Bailey and Ellery,                     3:L  0:W  7:L 11:L 13:L 14:L 16:L 12:L 10:L  8:L  9:L 15:L  4:L
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