2014 October Boot Camp Transfer - Round 9


Place Name                                       Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Albert and Ruofan                                    2203 8        38.0  48.0   39.0
 2-3  Liam and Emma/Max,                                   2000 7        40.0  53.0   42.0
      Stanley and Howell, The Li's                         1177 7        33.0  44.0   32.0
 4-6  Tom and Jacob, Pink Fluffy Space Unicor              1461 6        36.0  47.0   31.0
      Alex and Costa, # LOL cakes                          319  6        35.0  46.0   26.0
      Brian and Yizhen,                                    484  6        33.0  44.0   26.0
7-13  Ben and Nat, Starburst                               1688 5        41.0  52.0   34.0
      Victor and Arnav,                                    1013 5        38.0  50.0   31.0
      Will and Bec, The Rumleys                            1069 5        38.0  49.0   29.0
      Ruhaan and William, Team Raptor                      716  5        36.0  47.0   31.0
      Sam and Ishaan/Emma, Golden Sharks                   395  5        31.0  41.0   24.0
      Kai and Doug, Rubix Cube                             601  5        31.0  37.5   24.0
      Lachlan and Dexuan,                                  498  5        27.0  33.5   21.0
14-19 Isaac and Faolan, Time Bombs                              4        31.0  41.0   21.0
      Callum and James,                                         4        31.0  40.0   21.0
      Joel and Kynan/Riley, The Bishops                         4        30.0  39.0   23.0
      Clayton and Maxwell, Duh!                                 4        26.0  31.5   15.0
      Juliet and Jill,                                     274  4        25.0  32.5   12.0
      Richard and Isaac,                                   427  4        24.0  30.5   16.0
20-23 Jeremy and Maxwell, The Mentos                       336  3        31.0  38.5   18.0
      Lara and Sophia, The Squishy Transfer Peop           289  3        30.0  39.0   15.0
      Jeffrey and Otis,                                    115  3        29.0  36.5   17.0
      Max and Henry,                                            3        21.5  28.5    9.0
24-26 Saumya and Arya, Campus Team                              1        27.5  33.5    4.0
      Sunny and Silas,                                     109  1        26.0  30.5    5.0
      Luca and Riley, The Checkmates                       555  1        13.0  19.0    3.0

Cross Table

No Name                                       Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  

1  Albert and Ruofan                                    21:W 16:W  4:W  2:L  3:W  8:W  7:W  5:W 10:W
2  Liam and Emma/Max,                                    5:W  6:W  9:W  1:W  7:W 10:W 11:W  3:L  4:L
3  Stanley and Howell, The Li's                         20:W  7:L 18:W 14:W  1:L 22:W  9:W  2:W  8:W
4  Tom and Jacob, Pink Fluffy Space Unicor              18:W 15:W  1:L 20:W 12:W  7:L  5:L 11:W  2:W
5  Alex and Costa, # LOL cakes                           2:L  8:L 23:W 21:W 20:W 13:W  4:W  1:L  9:W
6  Brian and Yizhen,                                    23:W  2:L 10:L 19:W 16:W  9:L 12:W  8:W  7:W
7  Ben and Nat, Starburst                               26:W  3:W  8:W 10:W  2:L  4:W  1:L  9:L  6:L
8  Victor and Arnav,                                    12:W  5:W  7:L 16:W 14:W  1:L 10:W  6:L  3:L
9  Will and Bec, The Rumleys                            13:W 14:W  2:L 15:W 10:L  6:W  3:L  7:W  5:L
10 Ruhaan and William, Team Raptor                      17:W 22:W  6:W  7:L  9:W  2:L  8:L 16:W  1:L
11 Sam and Ishaan/Emma, Golden Sharks                   14:L 13:W 20:L 17:W 26:W 12:W  2:L  4:L 15:W
12 Kai and Doug, Rubix Cube                              8:L 24:W 17:W 22:W  4:L 11:L  6:L 15:W 14:W
13 Lachlan and Dexuan,                                   9:L 11:L 24:W 26:W 22:W  5:L 15:L 21:W 16:W
14 Isaac and Faolan, Time Bombs                         11:W  9:L 21:W  3:L  8:L 23:L 19:W 20:W 12:L
15 Callum and James,                                    19:W  4:L 16:L  9:L 21:W 20:W 13:W 12:L 11:L
16 Joel and Kynan/Riley, The Bishops                    25:W  1:L 15:W  8:L  6:L 19:W 25:W 10:L 13:L
17 Clayton and Maxwell, Duh!                            10:L 23:W 12:L 11:L 19:L 25:W 18:L 24:W 21:W
18 Juliet and Jill,                                      4:L 19:L  3:L 24:W 23:L 21:L 17:W 22:W 25:W
19 Richard and Isaac,                                   15:L 18:W 22:L  6:L 17:W 16:L 14:L 25:W 24:W
20 Jeremy and Maxwell, The Mentos                        3:L 26:W 11:W  4:L  5:L 15:L 24:W 14:L 22:L
21 Lara and Sophia, The Squishy Transfer Peop            1:L 25:W 14:L  5:L 15:L 18:W 22:W 13:L 17:L
22 Jeffrey and Otis,                                    24:W 10:L 19:W 12:L 13:L  3:L 21:L 18:L 20:W
23 Max and Henry,                                        6:L 17:L  5:L 25:W 18:W 14:W  0:   0:   0: 
24 Saumya and Arya, Campus Team                         22:L 12:L 13:L 18:L 25:L  0:W 20:L 17:L 19:L
25 Sunny and Silas,                                     16:L 21:L 26:L 23:L 24:W 17:L 16:L 19:L 18:L
26 Luca and Riley, The Checkmates                        7:L 20:L 25:W 13:L 11:L  0:   0:   0:   0: 
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