2013 October School Holiday Transfer - Round 7


Place Name                                          Feder Rtg Loc  Score Berg. Wins

  1   Austin and Emma,                                        2200 7     21.00    6
  2   Sankeertan and Ben, Hypo Hippos                         2000 6     15.00    5
  3   Sid and Albert, Raging Chocolate's                      2000 5     10.00    4
  4   Ruofan and Griffith, Chocolate Chicken Nugget           1000 4      6.00    3
  5   Paula and Bridget, Team Team                            1400 3      3.00    2
  6   Ishaan and Leo,                                              2      1.00    1
  7   Piet and Maxwell,                                            1      0.00    0

Cross Table

by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
No Name Feder Rtg #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
1 Austin and Emma,     * W W W W W W
2 Sankeertan and Ben, Hypo Hippos     L * W W W W W
3 Sid and Albert, Raging Chocolate's     L L * W W W W
4 Ruofan and Griffith, Chocolate Chicken Nugget     L L L * W W W
5 Paula and Bridget, Team Team     L L L L * W W
6 Ishaan and Leo,     L L L L L * W
7 Piet and Maxwell,     L L L L L L *