2012 ACT Transfer Championship - Round 11


Place Name                        Feder Rtg Loc  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   MMM! Pokemon,                         3356 11       60.5  75.0   66.0
  2   Uncle Michael,                        3418 9        60.0  76.5   51.0
 3-4  Wolff Pack,                           2338 8        60.5  75.5   49.0
      Irwin Ip,                             2469 8        59.5  75.0   50.0
 5-6  The Long and the Short an,            2396 7        61.5  76.0   46.0
      Leg-Ends,                             2689 7        60.0  73.0   44.0
7-15  Chess Assasin,                        2112 6        60.5  76.0   42.0
      Anger Management,                          6        58.5  72.5   40.0
      How does the pawn move?,              706  6        53.5  68.5   37.0
      Team Icarus,                          1425 6        53.5  66.0   37.0
      Tasers,                               617  6        53.0  66.0   39.0
      Cougars,                              389  6        52.0  65.0   34.0
      Murrumbatemanites,                    1468 6        48.5  59.5   36.0
      Queen Takers,                         1196 6        47.5  57.5   31.0
      Poo,                                  1654 6        46.5  59.5   34.0
16-18 Dart,                                      5.5      59.5  74.0   38.5
      Fire Breathing Rubber Duc,            681  5.5      43.5  52.0   31.5
      Enderman,                             516  5.5      41.0  53.5   31.0
19-25 Weirdo's,                             703  5        49.5  61.0   32.0
      The Champions,                             5        49.5  59.0   32.0
      Randomocity,                          805  5        47.5  55.5   31.0
      Cragg Champions,                      347  5        47.0  54.5   25.0
      Coy Boys,                                  5        46.5  56.0   29.0
      Pro Call of Duty,                          5        37.5  45.0   26.0
      Llama Eating Cows,                    320  5        36.5  45.0   23.0
 26   Dogs of Destruction,                  403  4.5      37.0  46.5   23.0
27-29 Awsomeness,                                4        40.0  50.0   25.0
      R2D2,                                 391  4        39.0  47.5   21.0
      Chopstix,                             1941 4        20.0  35.5   14.0
 30   3GSU,                                      3        39.5  47.0   14.0
31-33 The Queens,                           160  2        42.5  50.0   17.0
      The Nahhhs,                           416  2        38.0  46.5   12.0
      The Besties,                               2        38.0  45.5   16.0

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11  

1  MMM! Pokemon,                         18:W 15:W  5:W  3:W 29:W  2:W  4:W  6:W 16:W  7:W  9:W
2  Uncle Michael,                        11:W 13:W  3:L  9:W  7:W  1:L  8:W  5:W  4:W  6:W 16:W
3  Wolff Pack,                           12:W 27:W  2:W  1:L  6:W 16:W  5:L  4:L  8:W 10:W  7:W
4  Irwin Ip,                             26:W 19:W  7:W 29:L 10:W  5:W  1:L  3:W  2:L 16:W  8:W
5  The Long and the Short an,            28:W 17:W  1:L 11:W  8:W  4:L  3:W  2:L 10:W 13:W  6:L
6  Leg-Ends,                             32:W  9:W 29:L 19:W  3:L 10:W 13:W  1:L 11:W  2:L  5:W
7  Chess Assasin,                        22:W  8:W  4:L 18:W  2:L 12:W 11:L 14:W  9:W  1:L  3:L
8  Anger Management,                     10:W  7:L 21:W 15:W  5:L 17:W  2:L 13:W  3:L 14:W  4:L
9  How does the pawn move?,              16:W  6:L 27:W  2:L 20:L 24:W 12:W 17:W  7:L 21:W  1:L
10 Team Icarus,                           8:L 23:W 24:W 12:W  4:L  6:L 19:W 20:W  5:L  3:L 22:W
11 Tasers,                                2:L 25:W 20:W  5:L 27:W 15:W  7:W 16:L  6:L 12:W 14:L
12 Cougars,                               3:L 14:W 13:W 10:L 21:W  7:L  9:L 23:W 15:W 11:L 19:W
13 Murrumbatemanites,                    30:W  2:L 12:L 17:W 31:W 20:W  6:L  8:L 19:W  5:L 23:W
14 Queen Takers,                         27:L 12:L 22:W 16:L 25:W 26:W 18:W  7:L 20:W  8:L 11:W
15 Poo,                                  31:W  1:L 32:W  8:L 18:W 11:L 16:L 24:W 12:L 17:W 21:W
16 Dart,                                  9:L 28:W 17:D 14:W 19:W  3:L 15:W 11:W  1:L  4:L  2:L
17 Fire Breathing Rubber Duc,            33:W  5:L 16:D 13:L 23:W  8:L 30:W  9:L 31:W 15:L 26:W
18 Enderman,                              1:L 31:W 33:W  7:L 15:L 23:W 14:L 22:W 21:L 26:D 32:W
19 Weirdo's,                             24:W  4:L 23:W  6:L 16:L 22:W 10:L 28:W 13:L 20:W 12:L
20 The Champions,                         0:W 29:L 11:L 30:W  9:W 13:L 21:W 10:L 14:L 19:L 27:W
21 Randomocity,                          23:L 22:W  8:L 24:W 12:L 31:W 20:L 25:W 18:W  9:L 15:L
22 Cragg Champions,                       7:L 21:L 14:L  0:W 33:W 19:L 27:W 18:L 25:W 24:W 10:L
23 Coy Boys,                             21:W 10:L 19:L 25:W 17:L 18:L 26:W 12:L 27:W 28:W 13:L
24 Pro Call of Duty,                     19:L 26:W 10:L 21:L 32:W  9:L 31:W 15:L 30:W 22:L 33:W
25 Llama Eating Cows,                    29:L 11:L 28:W 23:L 14:L 30:W 32:W 21:L 22:L 33:W 31:W
26 Dogs of Destruction,                   4:L 24:L 31:L 28:W 30:W 14:L 23:L 32:W 33:W 18:D 17:L
27 Awsomeness,                           14:W  3:L  9:L 32:W 11:L 28:L 22:L 31:W 23:L 30:W 20:L
28 R2D2,                                  5:L 16:L 25:L 26:L  0:W 27:W 33:W 19:L 32:W 23:L 30:L
29 Chopstix,                             25:W 20:W  6:W  4:W  1:L  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 
30 3GSU,                                 13:L 32:L  0:W 20:L 26:L 25:L 17:L 33:W 24:L 27:L 28:W
31 The Queens,                           15:L 18:L 26:W 33:W 13:L 21:L 24:L 27:L 17:L 32:L 25:L
32 The Nahhhs,                            6:L 30:W 15:L 27:L 24:L 33:L 25:L 26:L 28:L 31:W 18:L
33 The Besties,                          17:L  0:W 18:L 31:L 22:L 32:W 28:L 30:L 26:L 25:L 24:L
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com