2010 ANU Primary Schools Championship - Round 7


Place Name                        Score

 1-2  Radford Red Raiders,        20.5 
      Curtin Archers,             20.5 
  3   Arawang People,             19.5 
  4   Curtin Knights,             19   
 5-6  Kaleen Kasparovs,           18.5 
      Amaroo Amigos,              18.5 
  7   Grammar Checkmates,         18   
 8-9  Grammar Bunch of Fives,     17   
      Curtin Jesters,             17   
10-11 Grammar Rookies,            16.5 
      Grammar Arch Bishops,       16.5 
 12   St Michaels Wizards,        15   
13-15 Amaroo Axes,                14.5 
      Harrison Raging Rooks,      14.5 
      St Thomas Knights,          14.5 
16-19 Curtin Damsels,             14   
      Amaroo Atomics,             14   
      St Thomas Rockets,          14   
      Curtin Queens,              14   
20-21 St Thomas Purple People E,  13.5 
      Curtin Kings,               13.5 
22-24 Amaroo Anteaters,           13   
      Grammar Stealth Knights,    13   
      Amaroo Angels,              13   
 25   Kaleen Casters,             12.5 
26-27 Kaleen Chestnuts,           12   
      Kaleen Kings,               12   
28-30 Radford Awesome,            11.5 
      St Michaels Lizards,        11.5 
      Harrison Crazy Knights,     11.5 
31-32 Curtin Wizards,             11   
      St Thomas Chess Chicks,     11   
 33   Chess Nuts,                 10   
34-35 Harrison Balmy Bishops,     9.5  
      Kaleen Kool Kats,           9.5  

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7    

1  Radford Red Raiders,                   8:4.0 13:4.0  6:2.0  2:2.5  5:3.0  7:3.0  4:2.0
2  Curtin Archers,                       11:3.5 22:3.5 16:4.0  1:1.5  6:2.0  5:3.0  8:3.0
3  Arawang People,                       14:3.0 15:4.0  5:1.5  4:1.0 21:3.0 11:3.0 16:4.0
4  Curtin Knights,                        7:2.0 28:3.0 17:4.0  3:3.0 10:3.0  6:2.0  1:2.0
5  Kaleen Kasparovs,                     10:4.0  9:3.0  3:2.5  7:3.0  1:1.0  2:1.0 17:4.0
6  Amaroo Amigos,                        23:4.0 17:3.5  1:2.0  9:3.0  2:2.0  4:2.0  7:2.0
7  Grammar Checkmates,                    4:2.0 24:4.0 21:4.0  5:1.0 16:4.0  1:1.0  6:2.0
8  Grammar Bunch of Fives,                1:0.0 30:4.0 22:3.0 11:3.0  9:3.0 10:3.0  2:1.0
9  Curtin Jesters,                       20:4.0  5:1.0 19:4.0  6:1.0  8:1.0 14:2.0 26:4.0
10 Grammar Rookies,                       5:0.0 32:4.0 28:4.0 23:4.0  4:1.0  8:1.0 12:2.5
11 Grammar Arch Bishops,                  2:.5  34:3.0 33:4.0  8:1.0 18:4.0  3:1.0 13:3.0
12 St Michaels Wizards,                  35:3.0 19:1.0 20:3.0 18:2.0 13:2.5 17:2.0 10:1.5
13 Amaroo Axes,                          32:4.0  1:0.0 25:4.0 16:1.0 12:1.5 23:3.0 11:1.0
14 Harrison Raging Rooks,                 3:1.0 27:1.0 35:2.0 25:4.0 22:3.0  9:2.0 18:1.5
15 St Thomas Knights,                    33:3.0  3:0.0 26:2.0 20:2.0 19:2.0 22:2.0 30:3.5
16 Curtin Damsels,                       30:4.0 18:3.5  2:0.0 13:3.0  7:0.0 21:3.5  3:0.0
17 Amaroo Atomics,                       29:4.0  6:.5   4:0.0 31:4.0 26:3.5 12:2.0  5:0.0
18 St Thomas Rockets,                     0:4.0 16:.5  27:2.5 12:2.0 11:0.0 28:2.5 14:2.5
19 Curtin Queens,                        27:2.5 12:3.0  9:0.0 22:1.0 15:2.0 20:3.0 24:2.5
20 St Thomas Purple People E,             9:0.0  0:4.0 12:1.0 15:2.0 28:2.0 19:1.0 34:3.5
21 Curtin Kings,                         26:3.0 31:3.0  7:0.0 27:3.0  3:1.0 16:.5  28:3.0
22 Amaroo Anteaters,                     34:3.5  2:.5   8:1.0 19:3.0 14:1.0 15:2.0 23:2.0
23 Grammar Stealth Knights,               6:0.0 29:4.0 31:4.0 10:0.0 27:2.0 13:1.0 22:2.0
24 Amaroo Angels,                        28:1.5  7:0.0 34:3.0 26:.5  25:2.5 29:4.0 19:1.5
25 Kaleen Casters,                       31:1.0 35:3.0 13:0.0 14:0.0 24:1.5 32:3.0  0:4.0
26 Kaleen Chestnuts,                     21:1.0 33:2.0 15:2.0 24:3.5 17:.5  27:3.0  9:0.0
27 Kaleen Kings,                         19:1.5 14:3.0 18:1.5 21:1.0 23:2.0 26:1.0 31:2.0
28 Radford Awesome,                      24:2.5  4:1.0 10:0.0 33:3.5 20:2.0 18:1.5 21:1.0
29 St Michaels Lizards,                  17:0.0 23:0.0 30:1.5  0:4.0 32:2.5 24:0.0 35:3.5
30 Harrison Crazy Knights,               16:0.0  8:0.0 29:2.5 34:2.5 35:3.0 33:3.0 15:.5 
31 Curtin Wizards,                       25:3.0 21:1.0 23:0.0 17:0.0 34:3.0 35:2.0 27:2.0
32 St Thomas Chess Chicks,               13:0.0 10:0.0  0:4.0 35:2.0 29:1.5 25:1.0 33:2.5
33 Chess Nuts,                           15:1.0 26:2.0 11:0.0 28:.5   0:4.0 30:1.0 32:1.5
34 Harrison Balmy Bishops,               22:.5  11:1.0 24:1.0 30:1.5 31:1.0  0:4.0 20:.5 
35 Kaleen Kool Kats,                     12:1.0 25:1.0 14:2.0 32:2.0 30:1.0 31:2.0 29:.5 
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com